Sunday, January 26, 2020

Analysis Of The Army Of God Terrorist Philosophy Essay

Analysis Of The Army Of God Terrorist Philosophy Essay In the current essay I would like to make an analysis of one of the U.S. terroristic organization so-called Army of God. I would like to consider what aims this organization wants to achieve, what methods it uses and how our society relates to this organization. As a matter of fact terrorism is a policy, based on the systematic use of terror.  The word terror is a synonymous to the words violence, intimidation and fear.  In the U.S. legal system terror is a premeditated, politically motivated violence, perpetrated against the civilian population or objects by different sub-national groups or clandestine agents in order to influence the mood of society.  There are different types of terrorism, among them are: By the nature of the subject, terrorism is divided into:  unorganized or individual in this case, the attack is made by one or two people and organized (collective) the terrorist activity is planned and implemented by a certain organization (Al-Qaeda, IRA, ETA and so on). As a rule, organized terrorism is the most common in the modern world.   Goals of terrorism are divided into following: nationalist pursues separatist or national liberation objectives;  religious can be linked to the struggle between the adherents of a religion (Muslims and Christians etc.). Social is intended to partial or radical changes in economic or political system, to attract public attention to any acute problem.  Sometimes this kind of terrorism is called revolutionary.  Of course, this division is conditional and terrorism similarities can be found in all its forms, as described in US Domestic Terrorism: Army of God. It can be said that Army of God is related to organized and social terrorism. On the one hand, Army of God is well organized group of people with common goals and on the other hand, partial changes in economic and political system of the U.S., specifically, complete ban of abortion. It should be noted that Army of God is an anti-abortion terrorist organization, which approves violence and terrorism to fight abortion in the United States.  AOG supports the Second Defensive Action Statement, which is issued by the Defenders of Life, which read: We, who sign below, announced that divine justice action is required, including the use of violence, to protect innocent human life (which was born and the unborn).We just announced any acts of violence and it is reasonable to maintain the life of a child born to defend the life of an unborn child, as stated in Army Of God? Body I presume that terroristic activity against abortion began in United States and Canada in the 70-ies of the XX century. As a fact, at first appeared terrorist organization Anti-Abortion Violence Movement (AAVM).  Terrorists set fire, blow up and destroy clinics, kill doctors and politicians and so on. As a rule, AAVM had training centers for like-minded people, where organization showed how to plan and organize military operations.  Terrorists have their own magazine; maintain contacts with right-wing movements, such as the Ku Klux Klan.   As a matter of fact, our country has a long history of small terrorist groups with religious nature, which carry out attacks on certain sectors of society who do not follow their own moral teachings and principals. One of such groups is the American Christian fundamentalist organization is known as the Army of God.  This group promotes the usage of violence against abortion clinics and homosexual community.  The Army of God has been linked to several bombings of such clinics, and uses biblical justification for an attack on the medical personnel who carry out abortions.  For example, Pastor Michael Bray one of the leading members of the organization was serving sentence in prison for the bombing of abortion clinics.  As a fact, army of God has developed a manual for counseling members on how to attack the clinic using arson, acid, as well as instructions on bomb making, as described in Army of God: Still Marching. It can be said that Army of God demonstrates the profound conviction as anti-abortion, homophobic, and sharply criticize the U.S. government for not holding to what it sees as Christian values.  In 1998, a member of the Army of God, James Kopp killed Dr. Barnett Slepian and it is considered that the organization has been linked to many other similar surveys between 1994 and 1997.  The Army of God have also tried to use public fears of terrorist biological attack with one member, Clayton Waagner, sending more than 550 letters to abortion clinics in 2001, claiming they contained anthrax and can infect those who opened them.   It is believed that the group operates major terrorist network.  In combination with a very close knit nature of communities, many of the members came to organization from the army; they seem to have lack of experience in funding or knowledge how to carry out large-scale effective attack.  It is believed that the Army of God may be involved in the attacks on gays and lesbians in May 1999, when 2 people were killed.  It is unlikely that the Army of God is real organization beyond the individual groups and no strong leadership has been defined, although several people have joined the group. The most famous terroristic act of the organization was bombings at the 1996 Olympics Atlanta that killed one person and injured more than hundreds of others.  The Army of God is a good example of a low level fundamentalist terrorists group, which get their limited knowledge and skills from the Internet or some ex-soldiers to carry out low level attacks and criminal activities in the future, what they see as their own moral code, as stated in History of the Army of God. Many experts consider that Army of God is the latest extremist religious group in the spotlight.  I would like to consider what an army of God is.  No one is sure, but the name has been used for 30 years. Here is an entry: in the early 1980s, womens clinic in Granite City, Illinois, was defeated repeatedly by fundamentalist protestors.  Then the operator of the clinic, Dr. Hector Zevallos and his wife Rosalie have been kidnapped by a group of men that called themselves as the Army of God.  Couple held for eight days in an abandoned munitions bunker.  The kidnappers said they killed them both, if Dr. Zevallos pledged to stop performing abortions he did, and they were released.  Then, these three men were later convicted for the kidnapping.  The leader, Don Benny Anderson, declared that God told him to wage war against abortion.  After that, Anderson received a 30-year prison sentence.  Also, he was convicted of setting fire in two Florida abortion clinics and drew t he second 30-year period. In 1984, when the Norfolk Womens Clinic was firebombed, the initials of Army of God were scrawled on the wall.  Soon after this, clinic near Washington was firebombed, and people claim that they represent the army of God. In 1993, the fundamentalist Rachelle Shannon had shot clinic doctor in Wichita, Oregon. She boasted that she was providing Gods will.  The police found the Army of God manual filled with quotations of the Bible, bomb-making instructions, and the declaration, saying that abortion should be stopped.  Guide said the army of God units did not stay in one place, so that the feds will never stop us, as describe in The Army of God: More Religious Killers? In 1996, two more nail-studded bombs hit Atlanta January 16, in a clinic for women and 21 February at gay nightclub.  After the second explosion, raw, unsigned, semi-literate letter was sent to Reuters, who passed it on to the FBI:  the letter said that both bombs were placed by the units of the army of God.  It also stated that those, who were involved with abortion can become victims of retaliation.  With regard to gay club, in latter there was ungrammatically described the following: We will target sodomites, there are organizations and all those who push there agenda, as stated in The Army of God: More Religious Killers? The police also found a letter, which threatened the United Nations and the United States government.  As a fact, it declared the following: We declare and will wage war to destroy the ungodly communist regime in New York and your legislative-bureaucratic lackey of Washington. It is you who are responsible and preside over the murder of children and the policy question that the wicked perversions destroy our nationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  Death of the New Order world, according to FBI National Press Release. Now, the FBI circulated a letter nationally, in the hope that some citizens will recognize the language style and determine bombers. Unfortunately, the army of God saga emphasizes an unpleasant fact of life: the most dangerous people are often the most religious. Without any doubts many Americans are categorically against  this organization and its  methods  of struggle for  their  moral beliefs. As a matter of fact, in the 90s of the XX century the scandal erupted, when Nail Horsley posted on the Web so-called Nuremberg files. It was a list of doctors, owners of the clinic that make aborts, as well as their family members, judges, famous  political and social activists, lobbying for abortion.  Also in the file were listed women who have done abortions.  The files presented not only photo with the name of the murderers, but also their addresses, telephones, video anything that can be useful if you decided to find a person.  It should be noted that these files Horsley collected himself by walking, recognizing, photographing, and published it in the Internet.  In addition, he paid photographers and volunteers, who did pictures for his list.  Horsley strongly believes that doctors, who have helped to do the abortions, shou ld be judged in a Nuremberg trial. Horsley declared the following: The Nuremberg files remind people that the doctors who kill babies are criminals and should be judged just like the Nazis at Nuremberg, as described in The Army of God. To be more precise, the U.S. Supreme Court long ago made it clear that there is nothing against abortion. However, authorities did not find anything illegal in Horsleys action and explained that under the First Amendment, these actions have nothing criminal. In my opinion, this situation is connected with the fact, that among influential Americans there are a lot of supporters of abortion ban in the U.S., for example George Bush Senior is considered one of the opponents of abortion.  Moreover, after this Web publication Horney also stated the following: We do not want all of them to die. But then, three thousand babies will die today its a fact and this fact is ignored in the past 25 years, according to Anti-Abortion Violence Defines Army of God. In my opinion this characterizes AOG as organization of  implacable fanatics  on  the religious and  moral  grounds,  who believe that they  have a right to decide  what people  can, and  what can not  do.  As a re sult of this Web publication some abortion supporters were killed or wounded: doctor John Britton was murdered in 1994 by AOG activist Paul Hill, Dr. David Gunn was shot in 1993, Canadian  Dr. Garson Romalis and Hugh Short were wounded by snipers.   Moreover, Horsley became cross the names of dead doctors on his site. According to Anti-Abortion Violence Defines Army of God, Horsley declared: My position is that people, who kill babies are responsible for the abominable act, and we should not be surprised if other people rise to fight against them. That is why we should legally prohibit abortion. Otherwise, murder and terrorism will grow up around us. Many people interpreted this  as  an open  challenge to  society and demanded to punish AOG and its participants, but authorities stated that freedom of speech can not be prohibited in the U.S. However, Stephanie Mueller, from the National Abortion Federation, declared that Horsley did not tell the full story on the site link to the attacks on doctors.  She said that one doctor was attacked in the summer of 2000, after the fact that information about him was published by Horsley.  We know other doctors who have received death threats after being caught in the files.  We think that the site is really cause violence against those who do abortions, as stated in Anti-Abortion Extremism: The Army of God. Psychological aspect In order to understand AOG behavior and motives I would like to concentrate on the analysis of AOG relation to such concepts like human life, abortion and its consequences. It should be noted that human embryos is human life form.  Consequently, in the eyes of an absolutist religion, abortion is evil, that has no different from murder.  As a fact, one of the most vociferous opponents of abortion is the Catholic Church.  When George W. Bush came to power, authorities began to fiercely protect human life as long as it is in its infancy (or terminally ill) state, not hesitating to ban medical research that could save the lives.  Embryos topic, it seems, has on many religious persons truly hypnotic effect.  Mother Teresa of Calcutta, accepting the Nobel Prize, said bluntly in her speech: The worst enemy of peace is abortion. Returning to the theme of war against abortion, I suggest you listen to the founder of the Randall Terry rescue operation, according to Understanding Th e Army Of God, he said following: When I or my supporters will come to force in this country, you will be better to disappear soon, because we will find, judge for trial and punish you.  Im not kidding.  I will do my best to condemn and punish them all. Randall Terry is referring to abortion doctors. His Christian feelings are evident and in subsequent statements:  I want to see you on the head faced a wave of intolerance, a wave of hatred.  Yes, hate its what you needà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  Our goal is a Christian nation.  Our duty is recorded in the Bible, God told us to conquer this country. We do not want pluralism.  Our goal must be simple.  We need a Christian nation, founded on the law of God, and without but, according to Understanding The Army Of God. Many experts consider that such intentions create something like Christian fascist state, which is very typical for religious organization in the U.S. This is almost an exact copy of an Islamic fascist state, of which many dream on the other side of the globe.  Fortunately, Randall Terry did not come to power, yet.  But those who are watching the developments on the American political scene there is no reason to particularly enjoy. Supporters of ethics or utilitarianism are likely estimate the issue of abortion from a different perspective and try to estimate the amount of suffering.  The most important question if the embryo is suffering? Doctors state that if the abortion is performed before the formation of his nervous system, most likely no, even if the nervous system is already there, it certainly suffers from less than an adult cow in a slaughterhouse. Does a pregnant woman or her family suffer in case the abortion is denied?  It is quite possible, and in any case, gi ven the almost complete absence of the embryo nervous system, is not it should give preference to well-developed nervous system of the mother?  In my opinion, it should be. We live in a free country with developed civil society, our right of choice should be guaranteed. As a fact, the advocates of ethical implications have their own reasons to oppose abortion.  It is assumed, that embryo does not suffer, but a culture that allows interrupting a human life can lead us too far.  Where do we draw the line?  Where is the line that separates us from killing children?  In my opinion, this line is natural birth, and perhaps we can say that in an earlier, embryonic, developing a similar milestone is hard to find. These arguments are also possible to put forward as the arguments against euthanasia.   However, AOG and other opponents of abortion do not care about these arguments.  From their point of view everything is much easier.  Embryo is a baby, its destruction is the murder. That is it, end of discussion.  From such an absolutist position it is difficult to make far-reaching conclusions.  They require, despite the dizzying medical perspective, to stop research on embryonic stem cells, because, as a result, embryos stem cells die.  Illogicality of the last argument is obvious when you think about what is now widely used by IVF (in vitro fertilization), during which doctors stimulate the production of the female body more ovum for in vitro fertilization.  At the same time receive up to a dozen viable embryos, of which the uterus is implanted two or three.  It is expected that one or two will survive.  Thus, the destruction of embryos occurs at two stages of IVF, but the procedure for the society as a whole have no complaints.  For over 25 years, IVF is a st andard practice that brings happiness to childless couples, as described in Annihilating abortuaries is our purest form of worship. A certain category of religious believers can not see the moral difference between destroying a microscopic group of cells on the one hand and the murder of an adult doctor on the other.  According to Doctor Chaplain and the Army of God: In a terrible book of Marc Yurgensmayer Terror in the name of God there is printed a photograph of the Rev. Michael Bray with his friend, the Rev. Paul Hill, holding a banner with the slogan: Is it possible not to hinder the murder of innocent  babies?. They and their associates from the Army of God are committed to  set fire to abortion clinics and do not hide their desire to kill doctors. As a fact, July 29, 1994 at the entrance to the clinic of the city of Pensacola, Florida, Paul Hill killed with a revolver Dr. John Britton and his bodyguard James Barrett. After he surrendered to the police,  he stated that shot the doctor to stop the killing of innocents.   Before proceeding to a discussion of abortion I would like to consider Paul Hills case, as one of the typical example of AOG participants behavior. As it was mentioned above, Paul Hill, with the full support took the law into his own hands and killed the doctor.  Hill started to defend his action by making a distinction between killings, say, retired doctor to vengeance and murder of a medical practitioner to stop them produce regular babies killing. In turn, abortion supporters stated that, despite the apparent sincerity of Paul Hills belief, he should not forget that if everyone starts to punish and pardon according to personal beliefs, not adopted by the laws, society will slide into a monstrous chaos.  Is it not correct to change the law in a democratic manner?  Paul Hill replied: Well, the problem here is that sometimes we have no real, genuine law, the law sometimes is fabricated on the spot of the head, as in the case of so-called law on abortion rights, a judge imposed on its peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, according to Doctor Chaplain and the Army of God.  In my opinion Paul Hills relation to these questions very much like the position of living in Britain of Muslims, who openly declare that they are subject only to Islamic law, and not accepted in a democratic manner the laws of country of their residence.   In 2003, Paul Hill was executed for the murder of Dr. Britton and his bodyguard; he claimed before the execution that to save the unborn would have killed again. He was speaking to reporters: I believe that by punishing me, the state makes me a martyr. Authorized by law, the murder of Hill, it is reasonable, but it may provoke new attacks by providing an effect opposite to the expected.  Paul Hill on the way to the death chamber was smiling, saying: I expect reward in heavenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I look for fame.  He urged others to follow in his steps, as stated in Doctor Chaplain and the Army of God.   I presume that very interesting was the fact, that one of the representative of certain abortion clinic named Paul Hill as a dangerous psychopath.  But people like Hill, do not consider themselves as dangerous psychopaths, they consider themselves as good, moral people who perform the covenants of God.  Frankly, I do not think that Paul Hill was psycho.  In my opinion, he was just a very religious man.  Without any doubts he was dangerous man, but not a psychopath.  To be more precise, misinterpretation of religion made him dangerous.  In accordance with AOG religious beliefs, Hill was right and moral by killing Dr. Britton. It should be noted that almost all vehement opponents of abortion are deeply religious.  Army of God activists do not see the moral difference between killing the embryo and killing a doctor, except that the embryo, by their definition, is the innocent baby. Proponents of ethical implications are able to evaluate the differences. In the early stages of embryo development in their ability to feel and even in structure and appearance, does not exceed the tadpole.  The doctor, on the contrary is formed, endowed with the consciousness of the individual with hopes, aspirations, dreams, fears, a wealth of knowledge, ability to complex emotions, most likely leaving behind inconsolable widow, orphan children, perhaps a loving elderly parents.   In my opinion, Paul Hill has caused a real, deep, prolonged suffering to human being that was able to feel and has a complex nervous system.  His victim, a doctor did not do this.  As a fact, embryos do not have the nervous system on early stage of development, and undoubtedly, are not affected. Moreover, even at a later stage embryos with nervous systems suffer not because they are human, but because they are living beings. In other words, there is no reason to believe that human embryos at any age suffer more than cows or sheep embryos of similar age.  And there are many reasons to argue that all embryos, including human, suffer much less than an adult cow or a sheep to the slaughter, and even more so slaughtered during the ritual killing of animals in some Muslims countries, when, according to religious requirements, they must be fully conscious  at the time of cutting the throat.   Of course, it is not easy to evaluate the suffering. You can argue about the details, but this does not change the main idea, which regards the differences between the position of opponents and supporters of the ethics implications of religious, absolutist moral philosophy. The first concerned whether the embryos suffer. The second concern, whether those are human beings.  Religious moralists argue when embryo becomes a person, a human being.  Despite this, abortion supporters, most likely, will put the question differently: it does not matter whether it is a person, more important questions, in what age the developing embryo is capable to feel pain, no matter what kind of animal it is. Conclusion To sum it up, I would like to say that Army of God is a terrorist organization within the U.S., which main purpose is in achieve a complete prohibition of abortion on the territory of the United States and also to punish medical  personnel  as well as  women  who  have had  abortions by different prison sentence and death penalty. Especially I would like to mention the fact that according to AOG, every doctor who made an abortion (kill the embryo) must be killed, because he deprived a human being of life. As a fact, AOG began its activity from 1982 and exist even today. From that moment AOG issue manual instructions how you can make a bomb or fire up abortion clinic. Also, there is AOG website, on which every person can enter the organization and help to their right case. Moreover, in its activity AOG is based on religion, namely Catholic Christianity and approve all violence by interpretation of the Bible. It can be said that the organization is responsible for two bombi ngs in 1996 in Atlanta, a series of murders and cases of kidnappings in relation to doctors and other medical staff of abortion clinics all over the country. As a fact, the advocates of ethical implications have their own reasons to oppose abortion.  It is assumed, that embryo does not suffer, but a culture that allows interrupting a human life can lead us too far. However, AOG and other opponents of abortion do not care about these arguments.  From their point of view everything is much easier.  Embryo is a baby, its destruction is the murder. That is it, end of discussion.  From such an absolutist position it is difficult to make far-reaching conclusions. In my opinion, this whole nightmare comes from the usual differences of perception.  There are people because of their religious beliefs considering abortion as murder, and ready to open fire, protecting embryos, which they prefer to call their babies.  On the other hand, there are people, no less sincere support abortion without any religious views, but with principles of morality.  They also see themselves as champions of the idea of providing medical care to the patients in need, who otherwise would have had to turn to unskilled underground healers.  Each side believes the other murderers or accomplices of the killers.  And each in his own way sincere. It is difficult to find a common ground in this situation. I think that first of all each side should show  greater understanding and  reduce  the level  of aggression  towards  the opponents. As a solution, I propose to consider the possibility to build abortion clinics in certain areas, similar to gambling th at allowed only in several areas. On the one hand, women will have an opportunity to make an abortion in safe conditions and doctors will no longer fear for their lives. On the other hand, abortion opponents will be satisfied with the fact that abortion is legal only in several areas in the country and every woman on her way to the clinic will have an opportunity to think if she really needs to take this step. I strongly believe that our society should take measures to solve this problem, and such organizations like Army of God with its violence will no longer have support of our citizens.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

An Evaluation of Academic Performance of Grade 1 Pupils with and Without Early Childhood Experience Essay

â€Å"Bright minds make bright future!† Preparatory children nowadays are far better than before they are more advanced in teaching and more capable of absorbing the methods of learning that used with them. Modern teaching accompanied with modules and analytical measures develop the preschooler’s memory retention that serves as the foundation of their education. Kids today are more willing and not afraid to try to discover new ways and methods of learning. The value of preschool is a hot topic these days. A small but growing number of studies link enrolment in preschool or child care centers (which typically include a preschool curriculum) to higher cognitive and language scores on kindergarten-entry tests The early childhood stage is a permanent learning stage. Whatever they learn now, they will take home. This preschool education is the provision of education for children before the commencement of statutory education, usually between the ages of three and five, dependent on the jurisdiction. The institutional arrangements for preschool education vary widely around the world, as do the names applied to the institutions. Effective preschool education can help make all children ready to learn the day they start school and, more importantly, help close the enormous gap facing children in poverty. Preschool gives our kids the strong foundation they need to be successful in school and in life. Children who attend pre-kindergarten programs have bigger vocabularies and increased math skills, know more letters and more letter-sound associations, and are more familiar with words and book concepts, according to a number of studies (Patson P. Opido 2010). The child is the ultimate concern in all educational processes. He is the beginning at the end of all educational efforts. The goal of education is to help every child grow up well-rounded; physically well-developed, mentally healthy, intelligently alert, emotionally secure and socially well adjusted. These can be truly achieved by giving attention to the child’s foundation. The first day of the children in school is a unique experience. It may be their first contact with big group of children. The difference among first grade pupils in their level of preparedness to grade one work may vary. The grade I teacher should be aware of the differences in the children’s readiness; some readiness is the springboard to do actions. Knowing pupil’s differences will guide the teacher on what to do to develop them to the fullest ( Lindberg and Swedo, 1995). A child born of a healthy, responsible and emotionally mature parents has a good foundation. His parents, especially the mother, guide him through the proper habits of eating, sleeping and cleanliness. An individual’s attitude toward himself and others, his behaviour either at work or at play, and his emotional roots in his early childhood experiences. What he learns at home constitutes the basis for future learning and adjustment. As the child develops social awareness, he needs to experience association with a larger group outside his home. Parents send their children to school simply because they want them to develop basic health habits and self sufficiency. Furthermore, this also includes the ability to use language patterns for simple and correct social attitudes in relation to the company of people around him, whether adults or other children and the appreciation of the aesthetic attributes of his immediate surroundings. Modern teaching accompanied with modules and analytical measures develop the preschooler’s memory retention serving as the foundation of their education. Kids today are more willing and not afraid to try to discover new ways and methods of learning. The value of preschool is a hot topic these days. A small but growing number of studies link enrolment in preschool or child care centers (which typically include a preschool curriculum) to higher cognitive and language scores on kindergarten-entry tests. The early childhood stage is a permanent learning stage. Whatever they learn now, they will take home. This preschool education is the provision of education for children before the commencement of statutory education, usually between the ages of three and five, dependent on the jurisdiction. Parents on the other hand, play a vital role in educating their children because they are their first teachers, which is the greatest contribution before a child ever begins his formal education in school. When a child enters the formal school, he carries out with him the acquired values from his parents. Just like the teacher’s task, if parents fail to perform their responsibilities, it may bring misbehaviour on their children which may directly or indirectly affect the child’s academic performance. In the Philippine public elementary schools today, inner tensions have been continuously affecting the learners going to grade one level, especially those who had never gone to any kind of schooling before. These learners entering grade one have many apprehensions. Most of them have no experiences in going to school. Parents are not capable of sending them to school especially those in remote and slum areas. Instead of giving their children a chance to study in Day Care Centers and Kindergarten in some public elementary schools, they ended up waiting for their to be accepted in Grade One. With these scenarios the pupils encounter difficulties in catching up with different skills like numeracy and literacy which are now the basic skills necessary in the first grade level of formal schooling. These children also suffer in relating themselves to their new environment, the school. In order to have a smooth transition from home to school and to prepare them socially and psychologically, the curriculum on the Early Childhood Experiences was recommended for adoption in all public elementary schools as included in Every Child A Reader Program ( ECARP). It aims to developing the reading readiness and developmental reading in Grade one as launched by the Department of Education. One of the major goals of the 2015 Education for All (EFA) is the expansion of the coverage and improvement of the quality of the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) programs in the country. The present government administration in its Ten-Point Agenda has declared a policy calling for the standardization of preschool and day care centers. The Department of Education (DepEd) in support of this thrust will administer School Readiness Assessment Test to All Grade One Entrants, effective SY 2005-2006. The School Readiness Assessment (SRA) is a tool to determine the readiness of Grade One entrants in tackling formal Grade One work. The School Readiness Assessment Tool will be administered by Grade One teachers assisted by the Grade Two and Three teachers one week before opening of classes. The assessment shall not be treated as an entrance test or examination. No child shall be refused entry to Grade 1 based on the results neither of this assessment nor without preschool experience. To continuously determine the school readiness of all Grade One Entrants, the School Readiness Assessment (SReA) was administered. One of the objectives of SReA is to assess pupils’ readiness across the different developmental domains – gross and fine motor, receptive/ expressive language, cognitive domain and socio- economic domain. The result obtained was the basis for grouping the Grade One entrants. It was also used to guide Grade One teachers in providing appropriate instruction and assistance to address specific needs of the pupils. The result of the School Readiness Test in May 2011 identified that there were at least forty two point ninety eight percent of the school population of Grade One entrants were not ready. Children with No Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) has low average in pupils’ readiness across the different developmental domains – gross and fine motor, receptive/ expressive language, cognitive domain and socio- economic domain. Background of the Study The researcher is motivated by the above mentioned situation and this led to the conceptualization of this study. As an educator, the researcher is faced with the fact that there is an imperative need to strengthen and streamline the internal management of educational arrangements in order to achieve efficiency and responsiveness to trends and challenges of the next millennium. It is therefore the aim of this study to empower parents and positively influence them on affirmative effects of pre-school education in the holistic development of their children particularly on the advancement of their academic performance. The value of preschool is a hot topic these days. A small but growing number of studies link enrolment in preschool or child care centers (which typically include a preschool curriculum) to higher cognitive and language scores on kindergarten-entry tests. The early childhood stage is a permanent learning stage. Whatever they learn now, they will take home. This preschool education is the provision of education for children before the commencement of statutory education, usually between the ages of three and five, dependent on the jurisdiction. The institutional arrangements for preschool education vary widely around the world, as do the names applied to the institutions ( Bustos Alicia and Espiritu 1985). The Early Childhood Experiences Curriculum, hence all Grade One teachers are expected to implement it. Teachers are also encouraged to make use of local songs, games, dances and indigenous materials to enrich the curriculum. It is hoped that the Early Childhood Experience for Grade One will greatly benefit the children and strengthen efforts to make the schools child-friendly. Theoretical Framework This study is anchored on Edward Thorndike’s, Jerome Bruner’s, and B.F. Skinner’s Theories of Learning. These theories enabled the researcher in the conceptualization of this work. The Law of Readiness as advocated by Thorndike is associated with mind set. It states that when an organism is prepared to respond to a stimulus, allowing doing so would be satisfying while preventing him would be annoying. This law works well in this study because the children is mentally ready to learn. The Law of Exercise states that the constant repetition of response strengthens its connection with the stimulus, while disuse of response weakens it. The exercises given to the children using a modifiable connection like instructional materials enables them to acquire the learning easier and faster because the responses will be utilized, the stronger the connection to be developed. Thus, when a modifiable between a stimulus and a response has been made, it is strengthened if its results in satisfaction as the Law of effect proves. Jerome Bruner’s (1915) theory of Instrumental conceptualization is also applied as it involves (3) three simultaneous processes as: Acquisition, Transformation and Evaluation. This theory of learning believes that the acquisition of whatever form of knowledge acquisition, who selects structures, retains and transforms information. Teaching without the use of proper strategic plans will result to failure. Through School Readiness Assessment Test (SReA), pupils will acquire knowledge through different techniques used by the researchers. Hence, learning to read is facilitated by Skinner’s Theory. Conceptual Framework This study focused on the evaluation of academic performance of Grade One pupils with and without Early Childhood Experience of Sto. Nià ±o Elementary School. The independent variable consist of School Readiness Assessment Test (SReA) for children with and without Early Childhood Experience while the dependent variable is the academic performance of the respondents in terms of the following: Sensory Discrimination, Concept Formation, Numeracy, Reading Readiness and Construction and Visual Motor Integration.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Truth About Current Definition Argument Essay Topics

The Truth About Current Definition Argument Essay Topics The Good, the Bad and Current Definition Argument Essay Topics An argumentative essay is a kind of essay that presents arguments about either side of a problem. It presents both sides of an issue. It requires you to decide on a topic and take a position on it. It has the same structure as other types of essays. To write a great definition essay on social topics you have to complete as many researches as possible to figure out how different folks of different ages and cultures view a subject you're writing about. Needless to say, here, you'll discover a wide array of topics and essay ideas. There is an extensive array of definition essay ideas a student could utilize to compose an essay about. There are millions of topics to select from, and if you are not certain about which one that you should pick, locate a definition essay topics list and choose what you like from it. While explaining a given concept you should keep in mind your true explanation will be different based on the academic level you're writing at. There are a few particular elements which are necessary in an argumentative essay. If you need assistance with a definition essay, or just do not have a sufficient amount of time to write it all on your own, no worries! The Lost Secret of Current Definition Argument Essay Topics Books, obviously, are the very best source of helpful information. The topic that you're likely to choose should be interesting for you personally, in other case it would be really tough to collect all facts and standard info to earn a fantastic paper. It is essential to pick a great topic as a way to compose an excellent paper. Essentially anything that has to be understood before reading the remainder of the essay is background info, and ought to be included in the introduction. It's important to always provide a conventional definition of your subject in at the start of the definition essay, even if your definitions vary from the normal meaning. Normally, a definition essay isn't complicated to write. It can seem easy, but in reality, it's not. It can be tricky to write. Nobody really wishes to compose an essay. Normally, it doesn't include references and quotes in it. Introduce the word, term you are just about to define and supply a dictionary definition of it. Creating a funny definition essay demands an awareness of humor and analyze what's funny or in contrast, silly. Current Definition Argument Essay Topics Secrets That No One Else Knows About A debate should exhibit different opinions held by men and women. In the current modern twenty first century world also, there are lots of components of the planet where women continue to be under male member of her family because they have hardly any rights in comparison to men. There are lots of terms we use each and every day. Rephrase the key sections of the definition and be certain you summed up everything you planned on saying. Informal arguments are occasionally implicit. Otherwise, it's better to switch to another one. The Benefits of Current Definition Argument Essay Topics Argument is among the most essential skills you will ever learn. Deductive inferences must be true. An argument in an official language indicates the logical kind of the symbolically-represented or organic language arguments obtained by its interpretations. All our writers pass various tests to prove they have outstanding English abilities and background in various locations. There are an endless number of words which can be defined in the period of an essay. For a student who doesn't investigate correctly, it is quite easy to become confused and to mix up definitions or explanations. Needless to say, you cannot learn about all of them. Each piece has certain characteristics and belongs in a given place to create the entire picture. You are able to get your essay written inside a few hours after you made a purchase. An argumentative essay is a writing piece intended to persuade a person to believe the way that you do. The major idea is only to explain the expression. Since you should elaborate on the word you decide to define, you will have to have your own base of knowle dge or experience with the concept you opt for. Its primary aim is to convince an audience. The absolute most important component to remember is that you will need to select a topic that isn't polarizing to your audience or one which gives different second choices.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Poetry Analysis The Tyger Essay - 925 Words

William Blake’s 1793 poem â€Å"The Tyger† has many interpretations, but its main purpose is to question God as a creator. Its poetic techniques generate a vivid picture that encourages the reader to see the Tyger as a horrifying and terrible being. The speaker addresses the question of whether or not the same God who made the lamb, a gentle creature, could have also formed the Tyger and all its darkness. This issue is addressed through many poetic devices including rhyme, repetition, allusion, and symbolism, all of which show up throughout the poem and are combined to create a strong image of the Tyger and a less than thorough interpretation of its maker. The first stanza directly addresses the Tyger, which is, according to the Oxford†¦show more content†¦The importance of rhyme is found through evaluating the effect that it has on the reader. All of the rhyme in â€Å"The Tyger† is masculine rhyme. Ferociousness is more associated with masculinity than femininity, and this detail helps the speaker to create a more evil being in the reader’s mind. The rhyme scheme also ties the poem together and gives each stanza a common pattern. Each stanza is made up of two couplets, which keeps a steady rhythm when reading the poem and reminds the reader of the Tyger’s heartbeat and the cadence of his motion. Repetition is another key poetic device used in the poem, and considering its effect on the reader gives insight as to what the speaker may be emphasizing as significant. The word â€Å"dread† is repeated several times throughout the poem, specifically in lines 12 and 15. The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as â€Å"feared greatly†¦dreadful, terrible.† Because this word is used so many times, it draws the reader’s attention and contributes even more to the imagery of the Tyger. The repetition of the first stanza forms a sort of introduction and conclusion. The few differences between them get t he reader’s attention and point out significant ideas that go along with the meaning of the poem. The comma in line 21 shows hesitation, and the colon in line 22 commands the attention of the Tyger as the speakerShow MoreRelatedEssay about Comparision of Wordsworth and Blakes Poems1523 Words   |  7 PagesAuthors, William Wordsworth and William Blake convey different messages and themes in their poems, â€Å"The World is Too Much with Us† and â€Å"The Tyger† consecutively by using the different mechanics one needs to create poetry. Both poems are closely related since they portray different aspects of society but the message remains different. Wordsworth’s poem describes a conflict between nature and humanity, while Blake’s poem issues God’s creations of completely different creatures. In â€Å"The World is TooRead MoreEssay about The Tyger1558 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The Tyger†- Magnificence of a Tiger Many of the creatures of the world have exquisite and beautiful characteristics in their appearance which puts us in a state of awe and wonder. According to the speaker in â€Å"The Tyger†, the tiger is a creature with an admirable appearance and leaves the speaker in awe and amazement. â€Å"The Tyger† consists of a series of rhetorical questions that attempt to reconstruct the process of the formidable animal’s creation (Explanation of: The Tyger by WilliamRead MoreCritical Analysis of William Blakes Poem The Tiger1378 Words   |  6 PagesÐ ¨Ã £ÃÅ"ЕÐ Ã ¡ÃÅ¡ÃËœ Ð £Ã ÃËœÃâ€™Ãâ€¢Ã  Ã ¡ÃËœÃ ¢Ãâ€¢Ã ¢ â€Å"ЕПИÐ ¡ÃÅ¡ÃÅ¾ÃÅ¸ КОÐ Ã ¡Ã ¢Ã Ã Ã ¢ÃËœÃ  ПÐ  Ãâ€¢Ã ¡Ãâ€ºÃ Ãâ€™Ã ¡ÃÅ¡ÃËœÃ¢â‚¬  Ð ¤Ã °Ã ºÃ'Æ'Ð »Ã'‚Ð µÃ'‚ Ð ¿Ã ¾ Ã'…Ã'Æ'Ð ¼Ã °Ã ½Ã ¸Ã'‚Ð °Ã'€Ð ½Ã ¸ Ð ½Ã °Ã'Æ'Ð ºÃ ¸ Project title: Write a critical analysis of William Blakes poem The Tiger paying special attention to the stance of the poetic speaker Name: ИÐ ²Ã µÃ »Ã ¸Ã ½ ИÐ ²Ã °Ã ½Ã ¾Ã ² ÐÅ"Ð ¸Ã ½Ã ºÃ ¾Ã ² Faculty number: 1063 Read MoreCritical Analysis of William Blakes Poem The Tiger1393 Words   |  6 PagesÐ ¨Ã £ÃÅ"ЕÐ Ã ¡ÃÅ¡ÃËœ Ð £Ã ÃËœÃâ€™Ãâ€¢Ã  Ã ¡ÃËœÃ ¢Ãâ€¢Ã ¢ â€Å"ЕПИÐ ¡ÃÅ¡ÃÅ¾ÃÅ¸ КОÐ Ã ¡Ã ¢Ã Ã Ã ¢ÃËœÃ  ПÐ  Ãâ€¢Ã ¡Ãâ€ºÃ Ãâ€™Ã ¡ÃÅ¡ÃËœÃ¢â‚¬  Ð ¤Ã °Ã ºÃ'Æ'Ð »Ã'‚Ð µÃ'‚ Ð ¿Ã ¾ Ã'…Ã'Æ'Ð ¼Ã °Ã ½Ã ¸Ã'‚Ð °Ã'€Ð ½Ã ¸ Ð ½Ã °Ã'Æ'Ð ºÃ ¸ Project title: Write a critical analysis of William Blakes poem The Tiger paying special attention to the stance of the poetic speaker Name: ИÐ ²Ã µÃ »Ã ¸Ã ½ ИÐ ²Ã °Ã ½Ã ¾Ã ² ÐÅ"Ð ¸Ã ½Ã ºÃ ¾Ã ² Faculty number: 1063 Read MorePoetry Is An Expressive Language1618 Words   |  7 PagesPoetry is an expressive language that has developed through the years. Poetry has various forms on written and performed language that are important no matter the time frame it belongs too. Poems have been around for centuries whether it has been written or has been performed. Depending on the era poems have specific human issues (for example rape, murder and death) that are more spoken about than others. These issues are still drifting to modern day society. However, even though time goes by languageRead More Creating Blakes Tyger Essay3597 Words   |  15 PagesCreating Blake’s â€Å"Tyger† The Eighteenth-century British Romantic, William Blake, was an accomplished painter, engraver, and illustrator during his lifetime, but is best remembered for his poetry. Though Blake’s genius was generally dismissed by the public of his own era and he died with little acclaim, he has since been regarded as one of the greatest figures of the Romantic Movement. Whether with paint or pen, Blake is renowned for his ability to create works of art which, overRead MoreSongs of Good and Evil1545 Words   |  7 Pagessimple upbringing and had little education. His formal education was in art and at the age of fourteen he entered an apprenticeship with a well-known engraver who taught Blake his skills in engraving. In Blake’s free time, he began reading writing poetry. At the age of twenty-one, Blake completed his seven-year apprenticeship and began to work on projects for book and print publishers. He also attended the Royal Academy of Art’s Schools of design, where he began unveiling his own personal works (WilliamRead MoreWild Geese By Mary Oliver1581 Words   |  7 Pageshopeful. In â€Å"The Tyger† by William Blake, the narrator is asking the tiger who created him. He wonders who could have created such a horrifying and evil yet beautiful being. Who would even dare to have the courage to create such a being? What does this tiger’s existence tell us about this God? He then wonders, could the same God create such innocence as that of a lamb? This poem takes on a symbolic meaning, of the presence of evil and innocence in our world. While reading â€Å"The Tyger† by William BlakeRead MoreThe Lamb and The Tyger by William Blake Essay1758 Words   |  8 Pagestopics, especially religion, Blake seems to contradict himself in his own writing and, therefore, sparks questions in the readers’ minds on specific subjects. Two of his poems in particular have been widely critiqued and viewed in various lights. â€Å"The Tyger,† written in 1774, and â€Å"The Lamb,† written five years later in 1789, are considered companion poems due to their similar humanistic topic and stark differences of each other. Through the use of specific titillation and use of rhetorical questioningRead MoreEvil Embers Essay1953 Words   |  8 Pagesseems to evoke answers is what is the essence of good? What defines evil? These two auras dominate our world and culture, can be found in the most basic of conversation, from peasant to president, and yet no one can truly define them. In the poem â€Å"The Tyger† by William Blake, he makes an attempt to illustrate his feelings on evil and all that it represents. There is no definite answer given, yet a picture is painted to show us his thoughts and ponderings. His foresight and enlightened point of view only